General Information:
The Methow Valley Rodeo is produced by the Methow Valley Horsemen, a group of men and women from the Methow Valley who are committed to continuing the tradition of small community rodeo. We produce two rodeos each year, on Memorial Day weekend and Labor Day weekend.
Dates: Memorial Day Weekend, May 27th and 28th
Labor Day Weekend, August 31st and September 1st
Hours: The Rodeo starts at 1:00 P.M.
General Admission:
Adults $15.00
Children 7 to 12 $5.00
Kids under six are admitted free
Contestants must pay admission at the gate upon entering the rodeo grounds. Your admission will be refunded when you pay your entry fee.
There will be a food concession at the Rodeo.
Rodeo Grounds:
Twin Lakes Road to Brengman Rd
Approx 1/2 way between Twisp Winthrop
Mailing Address:
250 Twisp River Rd.
Twisp, WA 98856
Dennis Gardner,, 509-846-9880 (m) or 509-996-3869 (hm)
Ray Campbell
Leanna Melton
Board Members
Greg Port
Bart Bradshaw Roger Hammer
Rodeo Royalty 2024
Queen - Izabell Cruz
Stock Contractor
Stock Contractor is Craig Wentz